Friday, August 7, 2009


Soham dhyana is a mind cleansing process and breathing exercise to clean manas(mind), chitta(conciousness), and vichara(thoughts). It’s a rebirth-free from deep rooted past memories of all the problems mainly mental, emotional, and to some extent physical. So, we can get rid of all toxic energies developed by the stress brought upon by tension and worries of our routine living. If this is practiced daily and regularly our mind will be always calm and relaxed. Our inner healing channels will be free from blockages and imbalances. Due to these blockages and imbalances, our immunity breaks down and we become prone to diseases. We should avoid this practice during full stomach. Asthma and heart patients should carefully practice, under the guidance of the masters or teachers.

The Soham mantra is a natural mantra because it is already part of your nature.
  • Sooooo... is the sound of inhalation, and is remembered in the mind along with that inhalation.

  • Hummmm... is the sound of exhalation, and is remembered in the mind along with that exhalation.

The Soham mantra has been called the universal mantra because of the fact that its vibration is already a part of the breath, and everybody breathes. Sooooo... is the sound of inhalation, and Hummmm... is the sound of exhalation.

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